
Index of Names

B - C - D - E - F - G - H - J - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - V - W - Z
Magagnato Giovanni
improvement of the fortress at Candia
Marcello Lorenzo
, glorification of
Marmora Andrea
'Della Historia di Corfù'
description of the Porta Reale in Corfù
Martinengo Marcantonio
praise of military engineers
Michiel Luca
tax reform
description of Rethymno
description of Siteia
Mocenigo Alvise
family coat of arms
Mocenigo Domenico
war against the Turks
Mocenigo Lazzaro
, glorification of
defense of Siteia
Molin Alessandro
reorganisation of the army
Monanni Raffaele
engineer of the Kingdom of Candia
drawing of the Castle of Siteia
Mormori Zuan
drawing of the fortress of Suda
Moro Benedetto
report on provisioning problems
reform of water control
Morosini Francesco
historical outline
reorganisation of the army
restoration of the Castle of Siteia
Morosini Zorzi
family coat of arms

Venezia e il mare
Le isole, le fortezze, le difese contro i Turchi
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