
Index of Names

B - C - D - E - F - G - H - J - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - V - W - Z
Campagna Gerolamo
ceremonial portal of the Arsenale of Venice
Charles V Hapsburg
historical outline
Cicogna Pasquale
restoration of the Arsenale of Venice
water control in Candia
Commeno Emanuele
frontispiece 'Della Historia di Corfù' by A. Marmora
Contarini Giacomo
restoration of the Arsenale of Venice
Contarini Leonardo
defense of Candia against the Turks
Contarini Lorenzo
reports on provisioning problems
Contarini Paolo
situation of the nobles of Candia
reconstruction of the fort of San Dimitri
urbanisation of Rethymno

Venezia e il mare
Le isole, le fortezze, le difese contro i Turchi
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