
Index of Names

B - C - D - E - F - G - H - J - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - V - W - Z
Barbaro Daniele
Arsenale project of Venice
Barbaro Marc'Antonio
restoration of the Arsenale of Venice
Arsenale project of Venice
ceremonial portal of the Arsenale of Venice
Barbarossa (or Khai Ad-din)
occupation of Algiers
Basilicata Francesco
cistern of Candia
biographical outline
topographical map of Candia
Bembo Davide
reconstruction of Rethymno
Bor (van)
defensive works in Candia
Bressan Leonardo
master of Baldissera Drachio

Venezia e il mare
Le isole, le fortezze, le difese contro i Turchi
© 1997 by the VENIVA consortium